
The management of AI INVESTMENTS is professional partners with diplomas from leading Russian universities and MBA from US & European business schools. The partners have considerable experience previously working in international financial institutions as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Societe Generale, Paribas, Deutsche Bank, ABN Amro, Alfa-bank, Sberbank of Russia, etc.

From 1996 to 2021, the company’s partners have been elected as independent directors to 14 Russian and foreign companies’ boards – KomiTEK oil company, Tyumen oil company, Prigorodniy agriculture, Yamal airlines & transportation company, Russian-Swiss JV "Lands", Russian-British JV "Moscow energy efficiency", ÎÀÎ "Yamal investment projects development fund", Å.Ì. Niginskiy polyclinics, ENGLOBAL construction group etc.

The top management of AI INVESTMENTS pays particular attention to social responsibility of the company and serves as board members of the alumni of the Russian state university of oil & gas I.M. Gubkin and the charity organization “Partners in Hope”. They regularly assist children and oncological polyclinics, orphanages and churches. The management participated in resurrection of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow by donating funds in 1999.

Vassily V. Milykh Sergey D. Ptizyn Igor V. Taldykin Evgeny V. Serov Yury E. Graud Natalia G. Kobylnikova
Vassily V. Milykh,
Chairman of the Board, AI Investments Group,
MBA, Harvard Business School
Sergey D. Ptizyn,
Board Chairman, construction & control,
Russia Honorary Builder
Igor V. Taldykin,
Deputy chairman, investments
Evgeny V. Serov,
Deputy chairman, corporate finance and international audit,
Yury E. Graud,
Deputy general director, Business development
Natalia G. Kobylnikova,
Deputy general director, investors’ communications